La globalización es un proceso ecónomico, tegnologico, social y cultural a gran escala, que consiste en la creciente comunicación e interdependencia entre los distintos países del mundo unificado de sus mercados, sociedades y culturas, a través de una serie de transformaciones sociales, economicas, políticas que les dan un carácter global.

Globalization is an economic, technogical, social and cultural a big scale, wich consists the growing communication and interdependencia between different unified country in the world markets, societies and cultures through a series of social, economic and policy that give a global character.

miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011


The interdependence among nations as the fundamental political consequences of globalization, is part of the systemic interpretation that considers the global society as part of a system that tends to stability, harmony, efficiency and productivity. These interpretations are the most commonly used by the ruling elites of the national societies and global society to justify the supposedly inevitable dependence on the current system. Moreover, in the context of this interdependence are revalued and international and regional organizations: the F.M.I, the World Bank, ONU, OIT, etc.. Some of these organisms exert a growing influence in the politics of nations which leads directly to another aspect we wanted to highlight.

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