Globalization has been understood in Chile as a process of liberalization of the movement of capital, goods and services.Since the mid 70's has adopted a development model based on competition where it is intended that the economic activity of people is regulated by the markets.
This process continues to deepen with the recent signing of free trade agreements signed by Chile, where not only material goods are freely traded, but also services, including public, such asprocurement, tendering and investment.
Thanks to exports driven by commercial relations with foreign countries, Chile has the best macroeconomic indices basically stagnant region such as Latin America and is characterized by aneconomic dynamism in many ways it is among the leading global development . The per capita income of Chileans has doubled between 1980-1982 and 2000-2002, has even gained ground against the United States.
Este blog trata acerca de la Globalización en el mundo / This blog is about the Globalization
La globalización es un proceso ecónomico, tegnologico, social y cultural a gran escala, que consiste en la creciente comunicación e interdependencia entre los distintos países del mundo unificado de sus mercados, sociedades y culturas, a través de una serie de transformaciones sociales, economicas, políticas que les dan un carácter global.
Globalization is an economic, technogical, social and cultural a big scale, wich consists the growing communication and interdependencia between different unified country in the world markets, societies and cultures through a series of social, economic and policy that give a global character.
Globalization is an economic, technogical, social and cultural a big scale, wich consists the growing communication and interdependencia between different unified country in the world markets, societies and cultures through a series of social, economic and policy that give a global character.
Very good your information ;D